2022 Recap

A little late posting this recap (what a shocker, haha)… it was a quieter year as far as competing went.  After a really terrible experience at an agility trial early on in the year we stopped trialing agility in the PNW.  Instead, focused on obedience with Zae & did other fun things like FastCat + herding.  The dogs went up to WA for AKC herding instinct tests & also did some herding lessons in summer/early fall.  The big news of the year was that Midna came home from France (after a long wait !) & that Onnea was bred + had her puppies.  Having a litter has been a big thing in planning for nearly a decade now & the A-litter did not disappoint. ❤️

⭐️ Rally Excellent (RE)
⭐️ CDX w/ 1st place win (CDX)
⭐️AKC Obedience Classic invite (Open level)
⭐️BCAT w/ a PB of 23.4 mph
⭐️Herding Instinct certification (HIT)


⭐️Rally Excellent (RE)
⭐️120/150 pts towards her BCAT
⭐️Earned her Silver Versatility award for Pyrsheps
⭐️Started in herding & passed 1 instinct test
⭐️Had babies !  (A- litter)

MLIOCH Penny dite Onnea du Champ d’Onix RE OA NAJ CGCA TKP VPB LI-I

⭐️Came home from France !
⭐️Started training in herding, agility & french ring

Tempete Bleue du Merle Bleu de l’Autan

2021 Recap

Another year flew by !!  I am not so great at updating here.  I am most active on Instagram if you want to follow my dogs adventures and training.

I am really proud of what both the skipskaps accomplished in the past year !  We got to play ISC (international/FCI agility – our favorite !) with some cools runs and even won a HIT !!

Zae’s Accomplishments

🌟 earned his Rally Advanced title (RA)
🌟 earned his NADD Novice Dock title at his first dock diving competition with a PB of 7’9″ (DN)
🌟 2nd place in ISC jumpers @ the Unicorn Cup in Auburn, WA
🌟 earned his Novice A Obedience title (CD)
🌟 became eligible for his Platinum level Pyrenean Shepherd versatility award (VPP)
🌟 earned 1st place in ISC jumpers @ the PSCA Cup in Mt Vernon, WA
🌟 ISC High in trial (overall winner) @ the PSCA Cup in Mt Vernon, WA (HIT ISC)
🌟 HIT Pyrshep in Master Jumpers @ the PSCA Cup
🌟 finished the year off with his first Rally Excellent leg with a perfect score of 100 !




Onnea’s Accomplishments

🌟 earned her Canine Good Citizen & Canine Good Citizen Advanced in the same day (CGC & CGCA)
🌟 earned her Rally Novice title with scores of 97, 98 & 95 (RN)
🌟 earned her Novice Agility & Jumpers titles (NA & NAJ)
🌟 earned her Rally Advanced title (RA)
🌟 earned her Open Agility title (OA)
🌟 became eligible for her Bronze level Pyrenean Shepherd versatility award (VPB)
🌟 finished the year off with her first Rally Excellent leg with a score 96

MLIOCH Penny dite Onnea du Champ d’Onix RA OA NAJ CGCA TKP LI-I

I added a page to my site with information on Pyrenean Shepherds – here.  I am a wealth of info on the breed (read: super nerd) and will be adding more Pyrshep-content soon… including lots of ‘old’ photos I have been busy archiving. 🙂

Upcoming Litters

I am also excited to share that Onnea will be bred this upcoming summer.   The long-awaited premier PYRWILD puppies !  More details later. 😉

See Breeding Plans & Litters for updates.

& Zae is available for stud.  Please contact me with interest ! ❤️


I am keeping a waitlist for Foundation students.  If you have experience in dog training or agility already, please contact me for availability.   Currently offering private lessons, small group classes & weekend trainings/workshops/fun-runs for my students.  🏆


First Trial in 8+ Months

Mayhem and Zae were entered in 2 days up in Albany at an AKC trial.  Mayhem earned 2 QQ’s putting him 8 away from his MACH ! :o) and Zae had some nice runs but received several faults for running his dogwalk a bit too high.  He did end up earning 1st place in masters and premier jumpers.

Although, our results were good – I feel that we did not have our best runs this weekend.  The dogs were running a little pokey.  With not doing any agility, let alone competing and a totally new trial environment in Oregon and on dirt it is understandable especially for Mayhem.  Mayhem has ring stress and it was certainly affecting his speed and performances this weekend.   That being said, there were lots of nice moments in the ring with both dogs and I feel that the speed will come especially once we find our connection again.  I think we all need to redevelop some confidence back in the ring and with running agility.  I am glad to have shed negative energies and now we can renew ourselves and further become the best we can be. 🙂

Currently, I am still equipmentless and after trialing of course there’s lots of exercises and skills on my mind I want to practice now ha.  But it felt great to be back at it with the boys !
